TAKE ACTION: Stop the Right-Wing Plot to Shut Down the NLRB
Right-wing extremists in the House and Senate are pursuing a scheme to shut down the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) – the independent agency that protects workers’ rights – and to rig the system even more in favor of their corporate donors.
Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. Featured at National AFL-CIO Northeast Regional Conference in Philadelphia
The New Jersey State AFL-CIO was honored to be selected by the National AFL-CIO to share best practices at the Northeast Regional Conference on Tuesday, April 9, 2013, regarding the formation of labor/community partnerships and advancement of our shared goals. This recognition is a testament to the hard-work of Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc., Chair, Charles Hall, Jr. and the coalition Board of Trustees, and further proof of how we in New Jersey continue to serve as a model for the country when it comes to building programs to strengthen our collective voice.
New Jersey State AFL-CIO Joins Over 120 Labor and Community Activists to Protest and Testify Against Civil Service “Job Banding” Rule Change
The New Jersey State AFL-CIO joined with over 120 labor and community allies to protest and testify during a Civil Service Commission hearing today to oppose a rule proposal that would undermine Civil Service and make it harder to ensure that public employee promotions are based upon merit and not political favoritism.
Voter Registration Van is on The Move
Hundreds of Community Members Register to Vote in Trenton and Newark
The New Jersey State AFL-CIO was proud to support two successful voter registration drives this week in partnership with Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc.
The van’s first stop this week was the Trenton Library on April 4, 2013, where we were greeted with an overwhelming response. Libraries are a community’s beacon of knowledge and opportunity, and our voter registration team provided a natural complement as we provided an education on critical state issues such as this year’s minimum wage ballot question and the opportunity to register to vote and make our voices heard.
The Time for Immigration Reform is Now!
The New Jersey State AFL-CIO and its affiliates joined today with thousands progressive allies in support of commonsense immigration reform at Jersey City’s Liberty State Park, demonstrating the ongoing commitment of America’s unions to speak with one voice, along with our civil rights, faith and community partners, to pass fundamental reform.
VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVES - Volunteers Needed – Your Vote, Your Right, Your Future
Join an upcoming voter registration drive and be a part of an unprecedented effort to amplify the voice of New Jersey’s working families and empower our communities on the issues that matter to all of us. For example, this year’s ballot will allow voters to directly authorize an increase in our state’s minimum wage that helps hardworking low wage families make ends meet, lifts the standard of living for all working families, and restores a ladder of economic opportunity in all of New Jersey’s communities.
The Time is Now: Immigration Reform Rally
Join thousands of our union brothers and sisters, community allies, civil rights groups, and working families, as we rally together to call for passage of commonsense immigration reform this Saturday in Liberty State Park. Wear your union colors show your union pride!
New Jersey State AFL-CIO Supports a Road Map to Citizenship for Aspiring Americans
The New Jersey State AFL-CIO is proud to support a road map to citizenship for aspiring Americans. We recognize that working people are strongest when we work together and the union movement is strongest when it is open to all workers. Comprehensive immigration reform would also improve wages by halting employers who take advantage of our failed immigration policies to pursue a race to the bottom.