U.S. House Passes “Comp Time” Bill Undermining Overtime Pay
The “Working Families Flexibility Act of 2013” also known as “comp time” legislation, passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 223 to 204 mostly along party lines on May 8, 2013. We thank all members of the New Jersey House delegation who voted against this anti-worker bill and are proud that of the eight Republicans throughout the nation who opposed this bill, three were from New Jersey.
New Jersey State AFL-CIO Statement on Governor Christie’s Veto of Early Voting
TRENTON – The New Jersey State AFL-CIO issued the following statement regarding Governor Christie’s veto of the early voting bill.
Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for 131M Hoboken Construction Project
Creates 655 Union Construction Jobs and to Feature Residential, Retail, and Education Space
TRENTON – Area workers, community members, labor leaders, elected officials, and key project stakeholders joined today to break ground on the $131 million Park Place construction project in Hoboken, which is being funded by the AFL-CIO Investment Trust Corporation.
Support the NALC “Stamp Out Hunger” National Food Drive, Saturday, May 11, 2013
On the second Saturday of every May our nation’s letter carriers pick up food donations to help feed the hungry in our communities. This year marks the 21st Anniversary of the National Association of Letter Carriers’ “Stamp Out Hunger” national food drive, the largest one-day food collection event in the country.
Take Action to Oppose U.S. House Bill (H.R. 1406) Undermining Overtime Pay
The “Working Families Flexibility Act of 2013” also known as “comp time” legislation is pending a vote in the House of Representatives and we anticipate that a vote may occur as early as next week. The New Jersey State AFL-CIO is opposed to this bill and asks you, your friends, and family to take action in opposition.
“Raise the Wage” Campaign Builds Support at Record-Setting Rutgers Day
The New Jersey State AFL-CIO was proud to join with many of our community partners and union affiliates at this Saturday’s record-setting Rutgers Day, which drew a crowd of approximately 83,000. There was an incredible response and enthusiasm for the “Raise the Wage” campaign, and people were grateful to learn that their vote this November 5th has the power to determine the future of our state’s minimum wage policy.
Mourn for the Dead, Fight for the Living – Workers Memorial Day 2013
On Workers Memorial Day, April 28th, the New Jersey State AFL-CIO remembers the working men and women who suffered injuries on the job and whose lives were needlessly cut short due to workplace hazards and inadequate safety precautions. We think of these workers’ families and the unfathomable pain and economic hardship that follow the loss of a loved one. Every worker should be able to go to work with the confidence that they will return safely home to their family at the end of the day.
Borshof Joins Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. As “Raise the Wage” Campaign Manager
The New Jersey State AFL-CIO, as a founding partner of Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. (WFUNJ), is proud to announce the hiring of campaign veteran Geoffrey Borshof, of Montclair, NJ, as the campaign manager for the WFUNJ “Raise the Wage” campaign. “Raise the Wage” is a statewide effort to win voter approval of the November ballot question which would raise New Jersey’s minimum wage to $8.25 per hour and include a cost of living adjustment.