March 2-3, 2018
CLICK HERE for Registration Brochure
The New Jersey State AFL-CIO looks forward to welcoming all of our union sisters to the 15th Annual Women in Leadership Development (WILD) Conference that will take place at the Hilton East Brunswick from March 2-3, 2018.
This year’s conference will feature a recap and celebration of WILD’s 15 years and welcome distinguished speakers to discuss timely issues related to our health and wellbeing and women’s workplace safety.
We will expand on the economic lessons from past conferences with a power-building curriculum that provides participants the year-round strategies and tools needed to address the most pressing economic challenges facing working families and their unions.
Be sure to download the conference registration brochure HERE. Thank you as always for your continued support and for making this 15th annual WILD conference possible. We look forward to seeing you in March.