New Jersey State AFL-CIO affiliated unions and Central Labor Councils continued their door-to-door campaign on behalf of endorsed candidates this weekend as over 1,085 union members worked to increase awareness of who labor's endorsed candidates are and to increase voter turnout for this year’s election among fellow union members.
“It’s an off year election, which typically means a smaller voter turnout, so labor’s aggressive field campaign this election cycle is even more important,” said Charles Wowkanech, President of the NJ State AFL-CIO. “We are constantly striving to have union households constitute a higher share of total votes cast, and we are on track to again increase that number this year,” Wowkanech concluded.
For the fourth Saturday in a row, union members across the state are knocking on the doors of fellow union sisters and brothers to not only educate them about why voting for the endorsed candidate is important, but to also urge identified supporters to turnout at the voting booth and via vote-by-mail.
Thank you to all of our Central Labor Councils who sponsored labor walks this weekend and to our affiliates who sent union member volunteers. Thank you for your commitment!