It’s Official—All New Jersey State AFL-CIO Endorsed Congressional Candidates Have Won!
Last night, Andy Kim declared victory in the 3rd Congressional District, beating Republican Tom MacArthur and flipping a key Republican district in New Jersey. He now joins Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski, and Jeff Van Drew, adding to the list of New Jersey State AFL-CIO-endorsed candidates who won open U.S. House seats that had long been held by Republicans.
With these victories, Democrats expand U.S. House majority 11-to-1, the highest mark since 1912.
Brothers and sisters, because of your hard work and dedication to the labor movement, we made history! Because of your efforts, all 12 New Jersey State AFL-CIO endorsed Congressional candidates have won: (CD 1) Donald Norcross; (CD 2) Jeff Van Drew; (CD 3) Andy Kim; (CD 4) Chris Smith; (CD 5) Josh Gottheimer; (CD 6) Frank Pallone, Jr.; (CD 7) Tom Malinowski; (CD 8) Albio Sires; (CD 9) Bill Pascrell, Jr.; (CD 10) Donald Payne, Jr.; (CD 11) Mikie Sherrill; (CD 12) Bonnie Watson Coleman.
This tremendous achievement is a direct result of the support we received from thousands of union volunteers; national, state, and local affiliates; Central Labor Councils, and Building Trades Councils. By gathering in solidarity every Saturday for labor walks, knocking on more than 366,000 doors, and delivering thousands of mail pieces around the state, we showed the nation what it means to be #UnionStrong.
Now, with the midterm election behind us, the New Jersey labor movement will lead the way forward for the rest of the nation, securing needed reforms that promote job creation, quality education, skills training, modernized infrastructure, affordable health care, equitable taxation, and a sustainable and secure retirement future for all working families.
When we work together, we will ALWAYS win together!