Take Action Now! to Save Call Center Jobs. Assembly to vote Monday

It's Go Time for the New Jersey Assembly to save call center jobs in the state. A-1992 is coming up for a vote in the full Assembly, Monday, Jan. 13, and it's critical that it passes. Why?

Call center jobs are being sent overseas from New Jersey, eliminating positions that support hard-working American families. And – believe it or not! – certain corporations are getting “job creation” tax breaks from the state Economic Development Authority as a result of shipping out the jobs.

If the bill is enacted, corporations can still send call center jobs overseas. However, the companies simply will not be rewarded with New Jersey tax breaks for sending away the jobs.

A-1992, sponsored by Assembly members Shavonda E. Sumter (D-35), Daniel R. Benson (D-14), Valerie Vainieri Huttle (D-37), Eric Houghtaling (D-11) and Benjie E. Wimberly (D-35), supports call center workers and seeks to stop rewarding corporations with taxpayer subsidies when they eliminate American jobs.

Send a pre-written e-mail to your two Assembly members RIGHT NOW by CLICKING HERE to ask them to vote “YES” on this important bill.

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