SOLIDARITY ALERT Shore Nurses Union, Somers Point – One Day Strike on 11/26/19!

Shore Medical Center Nurses/NYSNA working at Shore Medical Center (formerly Shore Memorial Hospital), is planning a one day strike tomorrow beginning at 7:00 am to advocate for exceptional patient care,  safe staffing,  and a fair contract. The Shore Nurses Union represents more than 340 registered nurses at Shore Medical Center in Somers Point.

Shore Medical Center has been on a “race-to-the-bottom” for many years while profiting off of South Jersey’s patients. In the last two years alone, Shore Medical Center has amassed $27 million dollars in profit. Shore is refusing to reinvest those profits into patient care. Instead of recruiting and retaining the best nurses in South Jersey, Shore is choosing to propose dangerous cuts. Those cuts hurt our community. Management is also proposing cuts to employee healthcare while increasing employee contributions.

We ask you to stand with the nurses at Shore Medical until their dispute is resolved and the contract is settled. Patients and the entire community win when safe staffing levels are achieved, nurses are treated fairly and with respect. Join the movement of nurses, labor, and community in South Jersey by calling Shore CEO Ron Johnson at 609-653-3761 now and tell him “Stop the Cuts. Settle a Fair Contract with the Shore Nurses Union-NYSNA Now.”

Day:       Tuesday

Date:     November 26, 2019

Time:     Begins 7:00 am

Place:    100 Medical Center Way, Somers Point

We encourage all affiliates to join with our union sister and brother on the picket line tomorrow. Wear your union colors, show your union pride!

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