Solidarity Alert! IAM on strike against IKEA distribution center

Our brothers and sisters of International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Lodge I061 are on strike against Swedish furniture company IKEA after IKEA's so-called "last-best" offer was overwhelmingly rejected.

IKEA removed longstanding job security provisions from their proposed deal with the Machinists and did not make pay-grade steps more equitable and timely. So someone with a first-grader who starts at IKEA will see that child graduate from college before they hit the maximum wage step. Seventeen years or more!

We stand in solidarity with our strikers and urge everyone to join these deserving workers on the picket line.

Wear your colors! Show your pride and unity!

What: Strike against IKEA Distributing

Where: Opposite 100 IKEA Drive, Westampton NJ 08060

When: Daily, starting at 6 a.m.

... and until this strike is settled fairly, please think pro-labor when you shop.

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