Mark your calendars now for the 30th Convention of the New Jersey State AFL-CIO
You just can’t miss the 30th Constitutional Convention of the New Jersey State AFL-CIO in June, in this history-making presidential and congressional election year.
As you know, the Trump administration and its allies in Congress have attacked Social Security as we know it, have tried to kick people with pre-existing conditions off their health insurance, and have made anti-labor decisions on the National Labor Relations Board. The Protect the Right to Organize (PRO) Act is stalled. Whistleblowers who report safety violations are ignored, or worse.
Trump and the Senate are filling seats on the Supreme Court and in federal courts nationwide with judges who don’t believe the same things we do – and these judges are appointed for life.
Our Convention will tackle these and related issues head-on as we review and endorse labor-friendly candidates for president, for U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, and for key organized-labor offices.
You’ll learn where these candidates stand on values that all working families hold dear. You’ll see the ways your unions represent you in the fight for better wages and working conditions, for affordable, comprehensive healthcare, and for the dignity each worker has earned.
You’ll come away from the Convention fired up!
As always, the Convention Call – which includes the complete schedule of events and much more – will be mailed to you in mid-March, as per our Constitution. But, for your advance planning:
The Convention will convene at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. Early registration for the Convention will begin Monday morning, June 15.
Reserve your rooms online at Enter promo code GNJU620 to get our special rate. To reserve by phone, please call 609-449-6860 and mention group code GNJU620. The group rate will apply until the room block has been filled or until Sunday, May 24, 2020. After that, the standard rate and availability will apply.
See you there!