Photo courtesy of Accuweather
The Maritime Port Council of Delaware Valley, MPC of NY/NJ and vicinity, along with the Seafarers International Union, are coordinating efforts to help families in Puerto Rico recover from earthquakes.
By now, we have all seen the reports of the destruction Puerto Rico has suffered resulting from several earthquakes over the past few weeks. This comes as the island is still rebuilding from the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in 2017. Just as we solicited for donations when Hurricane Maria hit, we are calling again on the generosity of our Union brothers and sisters.
Much needed are:
- Bottled water
- Batteries (AAA, AA, C, D)
- Portable lights
- Baby food and formula
- New generators
- New chainsaws/bar oil
- Non-perishable food (canned tuna, chicken, beans)
- Over the counter medicine (Tylenol, Tums, etc.)
- Protein shakes/Ensure/Power Bars
- Tarps/Tents
- Diapers/Adult diapers
- Personal hygiene products
- Ponchos
- Battery-operated fans
- Coolers
- New butane gas grill/tanks
- Building materials
Donations will be collected. Items can be dropped off at the Seafarers International Union Hall located at 2604 South 4th St. Philadelphia, PA 19148 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Please include a list of items donating for the bill of lading. All donations will be shipped via union contracted company Crowley Maritime who will be donating the container along with the transport to Puerto Rico. All goods donated will be administered by the disaster relief efforts of the Maritime Port Council of Puerto Rico.
Thank you again for your solidarity and support in helping our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico survive, recover, and rebuild from this tragic event. If you have any questions about donations please feel free to contact Joe Baselice or Andre Maccray at (215) 336-3818.