New Jersey State AFL-CIO Commemorates Martin Luther King Day

The year 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech which he delivered on August 28, 1963, from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, to 200,000 civil rights supporters during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Dr. King’s speech was a rousing call for racial equality and social and economic justice, and struck at the very core of our humanity. He presented a vision of peace and racial harmony as well as fulfilling the American promise that all citizens are created equal. His words were so powerful and optimistic that his speech remains a landmark in American history.

Martin Luther King, Jr. championed the civil rights movement of the 1960s, but the ideals he stood for – peace, social equality, and economic justice – remain relevant challenges in our society today. So as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day this Monday, January 21, 2013, we not only look back to honor one of the world’s foremost champions of humanity, but also look to uphold Dr. King’s legacy as we confront our present day challenges.

Dr. King’s dream is a challenge to our country to live up to its potential. He dismissed the notion that failure was even an option. He also realized that in order to move forward, our country needs to be unified. These lessons are timeless and remain critical to our progress as a nation. Our work’s not done. Let us carry on the legacy of Dr. King together.

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