New Jersey State AFL-CIO Calls for Support of Pro-Labor Legislation Concerning Prevailing Wages, 'Wage Theft' and the Installation of Fire Suppression Systems

The New Jersey State AFL-CIO urges members of the NJ State Assembly to support three bills that will be voted on this Monday, March 25, 2019.

A-4291 (Houghtailing / DeAngelo / Egan / Downey): This legislation received broad bi-partisan support in Committee. The bill revises the application of the prevailing wage to a property being leased by a public body and revises the current application threshold for such properties.

A-3974 (Quijano / Danielson / Chaparro): This bipartisan legislation seeks to improve fire safety for first responders and residents by requiring fire suppression systems be installed in new single and two-family homes. 

A-2903 (Quijano / Lampitt): The legislation seeks to combat “wage theft” by employers. The bill assists workers aggrieved by violations of laws regarding the payment of wages by strengthening enforcement procedures, remedies and a variety of criminal, civil and administrative sanctions against the violators.

The New Jersey State AFL-CIO thanks the sponsors of these important bills for their leadership on these issues. We respectfully ask members of the NJ State Assembly to vote “Yes” on these bills on Monday, March 25, 2019.

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