The New Jersey State AFL-CIO was proud to join with several union affiliates and local community organizations at a Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. coalition meeting in Trenton yesterday at the Lighthouse Outreach Church. The meeting generated a great deal of volunteer commitments to advance our coalition’s voter registration goals in the community. This meeting follows a successful event which took place in Newark two weeks ago and produced the same enthusiasm and eagerness to get to work.
Please visit for information on upcoming voter registration events which we encourage you to join. For information, please contact WFUNJ Community Outreach Coordinator Alex Gomez at 609-414-6566 or [email protected].
The labor movement realizes that in order to make our voices heard, we will need to amplify our collective voice with the support of our community allies. Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. is committed to a goal of civic engagement and education on the issues that impact working families. As a coalition partner, the New Jersey State AFL-CIO is committed to these same goals and principles.
We thank all those organizations for their commitment to strengthening the voices of working families and look forward to collective progress in representing our shared values.