Common Sense Economics: Call to Action for Young Workers this Election Season


IBEW Local 94 in Mercer County became a classroom on Friday, July 31, 2015, for young workers taking part in Common Sense Economics led by Jennifer Higgins of AFT Local 1904 and Carli Meneses, president of IAM Local 2339N.

The workshop focused on how workers can harness their collective power to improve their economic circumstances. First, labor must be united. Second, all members of the labor movement – especially our future leaders – must  be engaged in the political process and be invested in electing leaders who believe in advancing progressive policies that help working families get and stay ahead. 


Salaries have not kept pace with inflation. American workers are worse off now than at any time since the Great Depression. Meanwhile, multi-national corporations continue to get a free ride by paying few if any taxes. Our lopsided economy is suffocating the American Dream.

Collectively, we can rebalance our economic scales by becoming engaged in our political process. By having a stake in who we elect, we can ensure that officials who share our ideals and dreams are elected to office, and those who don’t are voted out.

With Election Day fast approaching, young workers are now ready to apply the lessons from the classroom to their everyday experiences by engaging colleagues, friends and family members in thoughtful discussions about the future of our economy and how we can bring about progressive change.

A special thanks to IBEW 94 Business Manager Buddy Thoman, Common Sense Economics trainers Jennifer Higgins and Carli Meneses and the Young Workers Advisory Committee for showing us how we can begin to rebalance the economic scales this fall.

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