The New Jersey State AFL-CIO congratulates CWA Local 1036 for a huge organizing victory in Burlington County at the Aspen Hills/Buttonwood Hospital. The Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) voted 34 to 4 in favor of union representation for 73 CNAs, marking a successful ending to a year of intense worksite, community, and political organizing.
The shameful actions of Burlington County Freeholders to privatize Buttonwood Hospital cost the community 250 good union jobs, yet only further energized labor and community allies to continue the fight for worker and patient justice at the hospital. Thanks to these persistent efforts, workers now have a voice to ensure livable wages and the highest quality patient care.
The CNA’s victory, combined with organizing victories on September 4, 2012, for all LPNs, activity coordinators, psychiatric aides, and maintenance staff, mean that over 150 hospital workers, or nearly all of the non-management jobs at the now-private facility are now organized. We once again congratulate CWA 1036 for its organizing success and all the members, retirees, and allies who contributed to this campaign over the last year.