Labor Candidate John Amodeo wins election to the Margate Commission

The New Jersey State AFL-CIO is pleased to announce that Labor Candidate John Amodeo has been elected to the Margate Commission. His victory came during Tuesday’s Municipal Non-Partisan Elections.

Brother Amodeo is a proud member of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 825. Before seeking local office in Margate, he served three terms in the New Jersey General Assembly, representing Atlantic County’s second legislative district in 2007, 2009, and 2011. His previous public service also includes two terms on the Linwood City Council as Councilman-At-Large.

As a State Legislator, Brother Amodeo sponsored laws creating the Atlantic City Tourism District, Internet wagering, offshore wind power, and a law establishing a free recreational saltwater fishing registry. In addition, his statehouse efforts recognized veterans of the Korean and Vietnam conflicts.

Brother Amodeo’s victory brings the New Jersey State AFL-CIO Labor Candidates Program’s total number of election victories to 1,031.

The New Jersey State AFL-CIO congratulates Brother Amodeo on his success, and we applaud his continued efforts to benefit the community he represents.

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